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My First Steps to Raising My Vibration: What I’ve Learned So Far

Oct 6

2 min read




Raising your vibration can sound like this abstract, almost mystical idea, but let me tell you—it’s not. It’s real, and it’s something we all have control over. It wasn’t until I felt the weight of low-vibration energy in my own life that I realized I needed to make some serious changes. I’m talking about feeling drained, constantly anxious, or like you’re on autopilot, reacting to the world around you without any real awareness. I had to snap out of that. So, I started my journey toward raising my vibration, and though I’m still learning, the changes have been undeniable.

Taking Back Control

The first thing I realized was that I was letting the world run me. You know what I mean—waking up, scrolling through the news, being bombarded with negativity before you’ve even had your coffee. All that does is lower your energy. I had to stop. I decided I wasn’t going to start my day by letting the outside world set the tone for me. Instead, I started my mornings by setting an intention, even if it was something as simple as, "Today, I’m choosing peace." It sounds small, but it’s powerful.

Tune Into Yourself

Another major shift happened when I stopped looking outside of myself for validation. We’ve been trained to believe that the answers are always somewhere else, in someone else’s opinion or some external authority. That’s the trap. The truth is, you already have everything you need within you to raise your vibration. The key is learning to quiet the noise and listen to your intuition. For me, this meant sitting with myself in silence more often—not always full-on meditation, but just moments to reconnect. That internal connection is everything.

The Company You Keep

Here’s a hard truth: the people around you have a massive impact on your energy. You can’t expect to raise your vibration while staying surrounded by people who thrive on negativity, drama, or fear. I had to take a good, hard look at my relationships and make some tough choices. It wasn’t easy, but my energy was too important to sacrifice. Surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength, or at least respect your journey. When you do that, you’ll notice your vibration naturally rising.

The Journey is Ongoing

One thing I’ve realized is that raising your vibration isn’t something you do once and then you’re done. It’s ongoing. There are going to be days where your energy dips, where old habits try to pull you back down. That’s life. But the more aware you are, the easier it becomes to recognize those moments and make choices that keep you aligned. I’m not claiming to have all the answers, but I do know this: the more conscious effort you put into raising your vibration, the more you’ll start to see the world change around you.


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