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A Journey of Overcoming Adversity By Sarah T. - Hackney - London

Oct 7

3 min read




I used to think that I was powerless. Growing up in a small town where everyone followed the same path—graduate, get a job, start a family—I felt trapped by expectations that didn't fit who I was. The idea of stepping out of line, of choosing a different life, terrified me. But that fear held me back for too long.

My turning point came when I lost my job during the pandemic. It wasn’t just the loss of income that shattered me, but the identity I had built around it. I had spent years working in a career that didn’t fulfill me, yet I clung to it because it felt “safe.” Losing that safety net forced me to confront the truth I had been avoiding for so long—I wasn’t happy, and I was hiding from my true self.

At first, I sank into a deep depression. I didn’t know where to go or what to do next. The days blurred together, and my self-worth plummeted. But in that darkness, I stumbled upon something unexpected: my inner voice. It was faint at first, a whisper reminding me that I had survived worse, that I was stronger than I gave myself credit for.

I started journaling to process my thoughts, and slowly, I realized that my fear of the unknown was holding me hostage. I had let society's expectations define me, but I didn’t have to anymore. I made a decision then—to take control of my life and choose a path that resonated with my heart, not what was expected of me.

I started small. I took up painting again, something I hadn’t done since high school. It was therapeutic, a reminder that I had passions I had long abandoned. Then, I started exploring spiritual practices like meditation and energy healing. These practices helped me see beyond the external world and tune into the energy within me. For the first time, I felt aligned with something greater than myself.

I also found a community of like-minded people who were on similar journeys of self-discovery and healing. We supported each other, shared resources, and encouraged one another to keep pushing forward. They became my lifeline, reminding me that I wasn’t alone, and that my story mattered.

The hardest part of this journey was unlearning the belief that my worth was tied to what I did for a living. I had to strip away years of conditioning that told me success meant fitting into a narrow box. But once I let go of that, I found freedom. I wasn’t just surviving anymore; I was living.

Now, two years later, I’ve built a life that reflects who I am. I’m pursuing creative projects that fuel my passion, working freelance to maintain flexibility, and continuing my spiritual growth. Most importantly, I’ve learned to trust myself and honor my journey.

If there’s one message I want to share with anyone reading this, it’s this: You are stronger than you think. Adversity doesn’t define you—it reveals you. When you embrace your truth and take back your power, you can create a life that feels authentic and meaningful. It’s never too late to rewrite your story.


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